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LB Geniebelt - How to create a Project?
Paul Etienne avatar
Written by Paul Etienne
Updated over a year ago

To create a new project, click on the green button on your Projects Dashboard, Add a New Project.

The first step is to name the project and to add a cover image (optional).

There are three ways to make a project:

  1. Create a programme

  2. Use a Template

  3. Import a project file

  1. Create a programme

    You can create your own custom programme, with all the tasks, milestones, and groups you need.

    • To make new tasks, milestones or groups, click the hammer icon in the toolbar.

    • To edit the details of the tasks, milestones, and groups, simply click on them and the right-hand side panel will open, showing the details. Click on the pencil icon to edit.

    • To update the group structure and how tasks are ordered vertically, open the left-hand side panel. Use the dots icon to drag the tasks/groups up and down, and in and out of groups/subgroups. Pay attention to the dark line to signify when it enters/exits a group.

    • Within the gantt, you can edit the start date and end date of a task by hovering over it, clicking on either of the bottom set of icons and dragging the task.

    • By dragging the icon on low right corner you can adjust the duration of the task.

    • With the top set of icons, you can create successor (left) and predecessor (right) dependencies.

    • By clicking on the dependency line, it will open the right-hand panel, which will allow you to edit the dependency.

    • To control whether the dependency is manual or automatically scheduled, select the successor task and change the setting in the menu.

2. Use a Template

You can copy an existing LB Geniebelt Project that you have access to.

Select the project from the dropdown and the start date you want the project to have.

We will then create a new project with the exact structure of the project you selected. We copy task names, groups, task durations and dependencies.

You also have the option to select or unselect holidays, assignees, company logo and project cover page to be copied.

3Import a programme

You can import an existing programme. We accept the following formats:

  • Microsoft Project (both mpp and xml)

  • Asta PowerProject

  • Primavera

  • CSV/Excel

To learn more about Importing, read this article.

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