LB Geniebelt - How to assign people to tasks?
Paul Etienne avatar
Written by Paul Etienne
Updated over a week ago

A crucial part of LB Geniebelt is to assign each task to a user, giving them the responsibility for that task. They will then update progress, attach photos, report problems, leave comments and complete the task.

Only Project Admins and Project Leaders can assign tasks or change assignees.

There are several methods for assigning people to tasks.

You can add multiple people to a task using Multi Assign.

Manual: If you select and edit a task, you can assign a user in the assignee field at the top of the task. Even if they are not invited to the project, you can add their email here to invite and assign them the task.

Import: If emails are assigned to tasks within the file you import, these people will be invited to the project and assigned to their tasks. You can only add one assignee with this method.

Reimport: If you add the emails onto a reimport file, these users will also be invited and assigned to tasks. You can only add one assignee with this method.

Table Editor: You can multiselect tasks and assign many tasks to a specific user. As with the Manual method, you can invite users and assign from Table Editor. You can only add one assignee with this method. It is also possible to double-tap a name and change the assigned user.

Please note that when you assign a task to someone, they will not be notified directly, but the activity will be listed in the All section of Beats. As well, the task will then show up in the users Your Tasks on the Mobile App, or in any search they do or a Task Sheet they make. From that point on, too, they will get all notifications surrounding that task.

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