Update individual tasks
Select the task you want to edit. This will open the right hand side panel. Click on the pencil icon in the top right hand corner.
Only Project Leaders or Admins can edit a task.
Data Points
Within the edit mode, you can update all below data points on the task or milestone:
Name (Can be edit outside of edit mode by clicking on the name)
Start and End Date of Task
Due Date of Milestone
Working week
Reporting Options:
Custom Units (Unit/Range) or Percentage
Remember to click on green checkmark to save your updates.
Below actions are also under the task menu:
Print task
Duplicate task (related article)
Convert to a group
Change scheduling mode
Delete task
Edit by Click and Drag
You can also edit the start and end date of a task by hovering over the task and selecting one of the bottom two icons. Left icon sets the start and dragging the right one you can set the duration.
To change the order of a task, hover on the left side of the name of it, and start dragging. Notice the dark line below which indicate where it would drop when you let go.
If you are looking for making changes to several tasks or milestones in one go, check out this article.