Each task in your projects has a color and icon, which represents the given status of the task. It makes following the progress of your project and tasks very easy and intuitive.
Overview of Status Icons/Colors
Task Status Definitions
The different states of the tasks helps you where to focus, and where you are with your project. Even though the states are pretty self-explanatory here's a run-through of their meaning:
Not started: Task is scheduled in the future and has not yet been started
In progress: Task has been started and the progress is ahead of schedule
Delayed: Task should have started but hasn't or the task has progress but is behind schedule
Problem: A problem has been reported on this task
Awaiting Sign-Off: Task is reported 100% and awaiting approval
Complete: Task has been signed-off and verified by a project administrator
Every task that has progress reported and isnt 100%, will show the percentage reported to the right of the task. We also represent this percentage by filling in the task bar in the color of the status.