Through our LB Geniebelt we provide you the ability to search and filter your views so you can easily find what you are looking for and have views that are easier to read.
You can search and filter based on name of the task, the assignee or tags. Please note you can’t restrict it to only tags or assignee.
The search function is located on the top right corner of the Gantt and Table Editor.
Filter by Task Status
Also on the Gantt Chart and Table Editor, we provide a filter function that allows you to filter all the tasks based on their status.
Project Dashboard
The search function located on the Project Dashboard simply allows you to search the Project Names by keyword.
The search function located on the Beats panel allows you to search for beats by a task name or the user who created the beat.
The search function located on the People page allows you to search for email and name of the participants on the project.
Mobile App
Within the Mobile App we provide search fields for project, tasks and people.