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LB Geniebelt - How to Import a CSV/Excel file?

Learn how to import a CSV/Excel file and what data can be included

Paul Etienne avatar
Written by Paul Etienne
Updated over 9 months ago

After creating a new project, one of the options to start building your project is to import an existing programme file using a CSV/Excel file. This will allow you to create a project based off an existing task list. It is also an easy way to build a project from scratch.

You can also import a file from MS Project, Asta and Primavera. To learn more about this method, read this article.

In order for LB Geniebelt to import your data, your file needs to be structured correctly, in the format we provide otherwise the import will fail.

Here is a template you can use. Below shows the value in CSV or Excel. 

Name *

Start Date *

End Date *




Assigned Email

Working Week

Reporting Mode

Custom Unit Name

Custom Unit Max

Actual start date

Actual end date

Things to keep in mind:

  • The order in which the tasks appear on your file will be the order they appear in LB Geniebelt.

  • We do not support Groups or Dependencies with this method.

*Mandatory fields

Name - This is a text field which will be used as the Task Name. Consider including any other useful information like location etc.

Start Date and End Date - This will mark the start and end of the task. All dates must be formatted as dd/mm/yyyy e.g. 30/05/2024.

*If you omit the end date, the task will import, but as a Milestone.

Additional fields

Description - This is a text field which will appear in the Description field of a task. You can add any additional information to this field for users to see when viewing the task.

Progress - This is a number field which will update the Progress Percentage of the task. It should be a number between 0 and 100. Do not include a decimal.

Tags - This is a text field which will add tags to your tasks for reporting purposes. You can add multiple tags by separating them with a comma (e.g. floor1, floor2, floor3) .

Assigned Email - This is a text field where you can add an email address to invite the user and to assign them the task.

Working Week - This is a number field which will set the working week for the task. Just add 4, 5, 6 or 7 depending on what working week you want. We currently support 4 working week options:

4 = Mon - Thur                                                                                         

5 = Mon - Fri

6 = Mon - Sat

7 = Mon - Sun

Custom Unit Reporting fields

By default, the progress of tasks is reported in percentages. With Custom Units you can opt to have tasks reported in custom units eg kilometers, tons. There are 3 fields associated with Custom Units and they are listed below. All three need to be filled out in order for the import to succeed.

Reporting Mode - To enable Custom Units on a task, include 'custom_units' in this field.

Custom Unit Name - This is a text field which will name the type of Custom Unit that the user should report with eg kilometers, tons. This field can only contain up to 10 characters.

Custom Unit Max - This is number field which will set the max range for this task.

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