LB Aproplan automatically generates progress dashboard. When you open your project, you have the possibility to see the advance of this project.
Open your Project
Click on Dashboard
Dashboard: Points
The app calculates the advance of all the points, and automatically refreshes every 5 minutes the page. The following pie chart and histogram that you can examine are:
The opened points per category
The opened points per status
The opened points vs archived points
Wave analysis per status
The points by the due date
The points per category
Dashboard: Forms
On the top of the page you have the numbers of Forms completed, questions with non-conformities and Forms with non-conformities.
Afterwards, under Forms status, five pie charts show:
The difference between opened and archived forms
Forms per status
Forms conform (or not)
Number of Forms per template's title
Forms per type
Under Points status:
Opened points from non-conformities per company
Opened point per status
How to filter the data in your graph
Directly on the graph, click on the desired data
Select filter
To cancel the filter, click on clear filter
How to export the dashboard
Click on the printer icon at the top right of the screen
How to see the items
Once you have clicked on see items, you will be redirected toward the details of the selected point category.
Got a problem? Contact our support or ask your questions online directly on the app.