If you have not yet installed the plugin, please have a look here.
I. How to login?
In order to use the plugin, you first need to sign-in:
1) open a new spreadsheet
2) click on "Add-ons"
3) click on "LB Aproplan Participants Management"
4) click on Login
The plugin will open on the right part of the screen. There you can fill your LB Aproplan user and password (the same as in the usual app). Don't forget to click on "Save" !
A pop-up will indicate if the plugin is successful and your credentials will be saved.
II. Company changes
In this section, you can add/remove users in your LB Aproplan company or change the access rights of some users.
Once the login is done, click once again on "Add-ons", "LB Aproplan Participants Management" then on "Company":
On the right part, the company section will appear.
Click on "Get" in order to import the data in the spreadsheet:
Once the loading is done, a new tab "Company Members" will open with all the data of your aproplan company :
There are 5 columns:
Status: information filled automatically once you have saved your changes.
Email: the email of the users in your company
Name: the name of the users in your company
Access Rights: the access right of the users in your company. You can select "member" or "manager". By default, the creator of the company is "owner" and you can't change it.
Remove: this column is N (no) or Y (yes). Y will remove the user of the company
How to add a new member to your company?
Click on "Add" in order to add more rows. Then you can fill the columns B "Email", C "Name" and D "Access right".
You can fill the new rows with all the users you need to add to your company.
Once it is done, click on "Save" and they will be added.
How to change the access right of a member?
In column D "Access Right", you can change the access right of a member. Two options are available: member or manager.
By default, the creator of the company is "owner" and you can't change it.
You can change more than one access right at a time.
Once it is done, click on "Save".
How to remove a member from your company?
In column E "Remove", you can change the value to "Y" for the user that needs to be removed from the company. You can do more than one change.
Once it is done, click on "Save".
Tips: you can do all the actions once and click on "Save".
III. Project changes
In this section, you can add/remove users in your LB Aproplan projects or change the access rights of some users.
Once the login is done, click once again on "Add-ons", " LB Aproplan Participants Management" then on "Projects":
On the right part, the project section will appear.
Choose one of your projects and click on "Get" in order to import the data in the spreadsheet:
There are 21 columns:
Email: the email of the users in your project
Access Rights: the access right of the users in your project.
Invited: this column is N (no) or Y (yes). N will only add the user to the project. Y will also send the invitation to the user.
Remove: this column is N (no) or Y (yes). Y will remove the user of the project
Name: the name of the users in your project
Language: the language of the invitation that will be sent
Phone/Role/Company: information about the user
Category 1 - 10: categories of the project that are linked to the user
Status: information filled automatically once you have saved your changes.
How to add a new participant to your project?
Click on "Add" in order to add more rows. Then you can fill all the columns with information about the new participants.
You can fill more than one row if you want to add a few participants.
Column C "Invite" can be:
Y -> the invitation will be sent to the participant
N -> the participant will be added but he won't be invited
The language in column F will be used for the invitation.
Once it is done, click on "Save" and they will be added.
How to change the access right of a member?
In column B "Access Right", you can change the access right of a participant. Four options are available: admin, manager, collaborator, or guest.
Of course, you can't change your own user.
Once it is done, click on "Save".
How to remove a participant from your project?
In column D "Remove", you can change the value to "Y" for the user that needs to be removed from the project. You can do more than one change.
Of course, you can't change your own user.
Once it is done, click on "Save".
Notes: you can't create new categories via the plugin!
IV. List and folder visibilities changes
Once you have managed the participant in your project, you can define access to the lists and the folders.
First, you need to click on "Get" in order to import the data:
There are a few columns:
Email: the email of the user in the project
Role: role of the user in the project
Company: the company of the user in the project
A few other columns with the name of the different lists or folders
Note: You can't add more users here as you first have to add them on the project level. New lists and new folders have to be created first in the app!
How to add a participant to a list?
For each participant and each list, you can decide one of the value:
Not invited
Once you have done all the changes, click on "Save".
Of course, you can't do changes for your own user.
How to remove a participant from a list?
If you want to remove a participant, change the value to "Not invited". Once you have done all the changes, click on "Save".
How to change a folder visibility?
For each participant and folder, you can decide one of the value:
Y - the participant will see the folder
N - the participant won't see the folder
Of course, you can't do changes for your own user.
Once you have done all the changes, click on "Save".
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